Links to resources in science and spirituality

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The Brain (Home Page)
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The God Helmet
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Romantic Love and the Brain
Origins of spirituality in Human Evolution
Shakti – Magnetic Brain Stimulation
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“The Sensed Presence”
For Enhanced Visual Acuity
God in the Brain
Spiritual Aptitude Test
Stimulating My Brain
As A Spiritual Path
Inventing Shakti
Sex & States of Conscious-ness
Evolution and The Gay Male Brain
The Spiritual Personality
The Buddha’s Brain.
A Diet For Epileptics?
Odd Experiences – Online Poll Results
Body Experiences
Near-Death Experiences – Thai Case histories
The Big Bang
Meditations from Brain Science
Near-Death Experience in Thailand – Case Histories
The Terrorist Brain
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Links to information on religion and neuroscience

UFOs and Aliens. Here’s an article describing how UFO sightings can be explained through interactions between geomagnetic and neuromagnetic processes. Written by the researcher who did most of the work (another important contributor is John Derr), you’ll need your thinking cap on for this. Aliens are getting to be a very important theme in our culture. It’s a subject where we need to be sure the work is really up to the best standards in science. That means difficult reading sometimes.

NEGATIVE SIDE-EFFECTS TO MEDITATION. Not many people have unpleasant experiences from meditation, but a few do, so here’s an article (not mine) you can read if you’re wondering if your practice may have gone wrong.

Do you have altered state experiences all the time? Interested in a simple dietary way to stay ‘grounded‘? 

Transcendental Meditation Secrets. Transcendental Meditation uses a number of meditation techniques which are kept secret because they’re only for ‘initiates’. At they same time, the TM group has been very cooperative with the scientific community in encouraging the study of the effects of TM. I believe that the response to a given meditation method will have a lot to do with which parts of the brain are stimulated from within by it. Keeping the techniques secret makes it difficult to study using the research techniques available to me. So here’s a page that reveals all the TM secrets. You can also use this page to find out if you already have experience with a TM method without knowing its also a TM thing.

Am I Normal? How often do most people have deja vu? Or the sensed presence? Doesn’t everybody have these experiences? 

On the Sacred Disease. This is Hippocrates’ essay on Epilepsy. Not only is it the earliest text on epilepsy in the west, but it deals openly with the belief that epilepsy is a gift from the Gods, and that those who have it are somehow more spiritual than others. Hippocrates takes the position that epilepsy is an organic disease like any other. Today, his opinion seems perfectly ordinary, but in his time it was a dramatic departure from the prevailing beliefs. Epileptic events can include mystic experiences, and the epileptic personality often features a deep interest in spirituality so that many cultures have given it a spiritual interpretation.

Other Pages On This Site:



The God Helmet   |   Shiva Psychic Technology
Shakti – Magnetic Brain Stimulation 
Inventing Shakti
Stimulating My Brain As A Spiritual Path


 Origins of spirituality in Human Evolution
Role of Mystics and mysticism in Human Evolution.
The Gay Male Brain in human evolution 
The Evolution of Human Belief in God
 Consciousness  |   Darwinian Reincarnation


Articles on neurotheology, (or – spirituality and religion meet brain science).
Enlightenment And the Brain
 Deja Vu  |   Meditations from Brain Science
Romantic Love and the Brain
 The Sensed Presence  |  God in the Brain
 Spiritual Aptitude Test  |   Sacred Lands
The Spiritual Personality  |   Archetypes  
Out-Of-Body Experiences  |   Visions
Odd Experiences – Online Poll Results
Podcasts on Neurotheology


Different spiritual practices have different effects on the brain.  


NDEs in Thailand – Discussion    |   Thai NDE Case histories 
 Darwinian Reincarnation
Near-Death Experience Screensaver (Entering the Light).
Epilepsy And Near-Death Experiences


Glasses For Enhanced Visual Acuity
A Diet For Epileptics?
Sex & States of Consciousness 
Hippocrates on Epilepsy
 The Terrorist Brain


Real-Time Geomagnetic levels
What Caused The Big Bang?

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