ORDER The 8 Coil Shakti

What are your goals?

Personal transformation

Improvement in Meditation

Altered states of consciousness


Frontal Lobes

Forward-Looking, Positive Effects

Overcoming fear, anger, sadness

Frontal Lobes - Both Sides

Right_Frontal Lobe

Left Frontal Lobe


Temporal Lobes.

Introspective, Altered States

Temporal Lobes - Both Sides

Left Temporal Lobe

Right_Temporal Lobe


Parietal Lobes

Body-Centered Sessions

Parietal Lobes - Both Sides

Right_Parietal Lobe

Left Parietal Lobe


Temporo-Frontal area

Emotional Wellness

Temporo-Frontal-Area Both Sides

Left Temporo-Frontal Area

Right Temporo-Frontal Lobe


Association Area

For Language, Space, and More

Occipital-Temporal-Parietal Area - Both Sides

Right Occipital-Temporal-Parietal Area

Left Occipital_Temporal-Parietal Area


Vision and seeing

Occipital Lobes - Both Sides

Right Occipital Lobes

Left Occipital Lobe


Angular Gyrus

Made famous in Out-Of-Body Research

Left Angular Gyrus

Right Angular Gyrus


For The Septum (sexual effects)


The Cerebellum (Body and Bonding)


Alternating (8 Coil) Shakti for the Frontal Lobes

Alternating (8 Coil) Shakti for the Temporal Lobes

Alternating (8 Coil) Shakti for the Parietal Lobe

Alternating (8 Coil) Shakti for the Temporo-Frontal Area


Deciding Where To Put the Coils






To decide where to put the coils, you have to know what you want to get out of using Shakti.

Most people want one of three things. Here they are, together with suggestions for these three most common goals. Of course, there is overlap between the sessions suggested for these different goals. Each brain is different, so it may take some personal experimenting to find the best sessions for you. A session design consists of a signal and a location for the coils. Choose signals here. Please observe the schedules and other safety protocols.

1) Personal transformation ~ Overcoming fear, sadness, and anger. (shorter sessions). Do sessions in the evening, and look for effects the next morning.

The 'Feelgood' session.

The Amygdala and Hippocampus signals in sequence over the frontal lobes. (2/4 coils ~ 8 Coils)

The Amygdala and Hippocampus signals in sequence over the temporal lobes. (2/4 coils ~ 8 Coils)

The Hippocampus signal over the right temporal lobe, frontal lobe or temporo-frontal area. ( 2/4 Coils ~ 8 Coils)

The Amygdala signal over the left temporal lobe, frontal lobe or temporo-frontal area. (2/4 Coils ~ 8 Coils)

2) Improvement in Meditation, Yoga, Visualization, Prayer, and other Spiritual practices. (Shorter Sessions) Do sessions that end two hours before meditation or other practice begins. For dreaming work, end sessions an hour before sleep.

The Hippocampus signal over the right temporal lobe, frontal lobe or temporo-frontal area. ( 2/4 Coils ~ 8 Coils)

The 'Feelgood' session.

The 'Altered States' session.

3) Altered states of consciousness Longer sessions at night with effects appearing during sessions.

Two-Phase Sessions

The 'Altered States' session.

The Amygdala signal over both temporal lobes (2/4 Coils ~ 8 Coils)

The Hippocampus signal over the both temporal lobes ( 2/4 Coils ~ 8 Coils)

Also read this this page

8 Coil Shakti for the Frontal Lobes

8 Coil Shakti for the Temporal Lobes

8 Coil Shakti for the Parietal Lobe

8 Coil Shakti for the Temporo-Frontal Area