Thanks to Dr. Michael Persinger for his extensive help with The Shiva Stimulation System. Persinger’s Endorsement (new window).
Phone: +1 (855) 408-7888
The Shiva Neural Stimulation System
Legal: Shiva Neural Stimulation signals are based on signal templates licensed by Stan Koren and Dr. Michael A. Persinger.
Unlocking the Brain’s Binding Factor to Open Spiritual and Psychic states.
Phone: +1 (855) 408-7888
Legal: Shiva Neural Stimulation signals are based on signal templates licensed by Stan Koren and Dr. Michael A. Persinger.
Circumcerebral (around the head) magnetic stimulation (like Michael Persinger’s “Octopus” device and the Shiva System) is designed to interact with one of the brain’s most important electrical activities, called the Binding Factor. It’s a wave of activity that runs from front to back (or rostral to caudal) every 25 milliseconds, giving it a frequency of forty hertz. This activity is present when we’re awake and when we’re asleep and dreaming, but it’s not there when we’re in dreamless sleep, a coma, or when we’re unconscious.
This 40 hertz activity is only present during experiences that can be remembered later on. It doesn’t appear when we aren’t able to form memories, like during dreamless sleep. This front to back activity has been called the “Binding Factor” for consciousness, partly because it’s absent in all unconscious states.
Persinger’s “Octopus” experiments found that altering the binding factor can elicit telepathic perception and improve performance in remote viewing, and many Shiva users have reported that it made their spiritual lives deeper.
This illustration only approximates the actual ‘binding factor’, which runs from the front to back of the brain, every 25 milliseconds.
Disrupting the binding factor can create ways of thinking and perceptions that would otherwise be very rare in our daily lives, or that only appear after long spiritual practice.
In simpler words, the Shiva System can slow down the binding factor and help us focus on perceptions that could otherwise be too faint to notice. Psychic skills are based on subtle perceptions, and they’re easier to feel when the binding factor is reduced. Psychics notice them, while many others don’t. The Shiva System helps to open one’s psychic potential (see laboratory evidence) by bringing them into awareness.
People who are already psychic can have their skills enhanced using the Shiva system, as happened with the famous remote viewer Ingo Swann.
The signals used in the Shiva System rotate (counterclockwise) around the head, moving through eight locations, one-by-one. Their speeds change a by few milliseconds each time they move from one pair of coils to the next. These “timings” are designed to avoid the binding factors exact speed, so the stimulation is just slightly ‘out of tune’ with it, ‘deflecting’ it. The result is a mental state that isn’t one of our ordinary (habituated) states of consciousness.
A good metaphor for this would be to compare Shiva to bicycle brakes, with your brain’s binding factor (binding it to your usual states of mind) in the role of the wheels. Shiva slows it down by gently tapping the brakes. If you ride a bike, you know that even small taps on the brakes can rapidly cut your speed. This approach interacts with the binding factor and uses its own natural momentum. Just as a bicycle can only go in one direction, Shiva enhances one of the many ‘directions’ your consciousness can take – favoring right-hemispheric processes, and moving verbal thoughts (“the monkey mind”) toward the background.
EEG monitoring of subjects receiving the Octopus showed that the right hemisphere responded significantly more than the left.
The binding factor moves from front to back, while Shiva moves the signals around the head counterclockwise, so that has the “binding factor” is deflected more on the right side than the left.
The kind of thoughts and perceptions that are controlled from the right hemisphere are primarily non-verbal, and don’t easily go into words. These are the kinds most likely to emerge from the Shiva System.
This technology targets theta activity, associated with meditation, images in the “mind’s eye”, trance, and relaxation. Persinger “calculated the derivatives or changes in frequency shifts in electroencephalographic frequencies around 6 Hz would involve increments of 20 to 25 milliseconds”. These include frequencies in and around the 40 Hz signal. One study found that the largest changes in power spectra (‘bands’ of brain waves) were between 4 and 7 Hz, in the low theta band.
Psychic and paranormal perceptions are associated with theta and low theta activity. This has been known for decades, and the Octopus studies corroborate this conclusion. Theta activity is associated with excitement in a deep brain part, called the hippocampus. The hippocampus on the right works in cognition (both verbal and silent “thought”), spatial perception, and many aspects of memory. On the right, it supports inner imagery, and puts things in context. The right hippocampus is the source for most, if not all theta activity. It responds to the Shiva system more than any other deep brain parts. Shiva doesn’t force theta activity into the brain. Its gentle stimulation encourages the brain to produce it on its own. To put it simply, it lets the brain do most of the work – in its own way. Because the Shiva System doesn’t force the brain to produce the all-important theta activity directly, it doesn’t need to try to ‘snap back’ into its old patterns. Your brain can learn to access it on its own, especially when you’re also doing some kind of spiritual practice, like quiet psychic exercises (Here’s a good book with this kind of exercise) or spiritual practices (meditation, yoga, visualization techniques, etc).
Without using words, the hippocampus on the right can experience a fragment of a perception, find a context for it, and extrapolate its ‘meaning’ (the way a piece of a hologram can hold the same information as a whole one). A psychic perception can take place If it comes from another brain’s magnetic activity because two magnetic fields can and do share information. The important thing is to notice it amidst the background noise of all the mind’s other activities.
The “Octopus” experiments, give us a new way of understanding psychic skills, based only on brain activity.
The next thing to consider is the intention of the individual, which we talk about on another page, where people who want to develop their psychic skills are encouraged to try to pay attention to very brief perceptions. The Binding Factor ordinarily inhibits information embedded in magnetic fields, including the geomagnetic one, and the magnetic signals coming from the electrical activity of other brains. When the Binding Factor is held back, we can “allow” more “in”, both from our own minds, and from people around us. We’re more sensitive to what’s happening in other people’s brains and minds (as well as the world around us), when the Binding Factor is held back.
If you do Shiva sessions and also psychic exercises, the results are more likely to be psychic. When you do Shiva sessions and spiritual practices (like meditation, yoga or visualizations), the results are more likely to be spiritual.
The Shiva System uses the same hardware as the God Helmet, and includes both softwares, so it can be set up and used as either system.
The Shiva System is $649.00 plus shipping
Shipping within the USA – $20.00
Shipping to all other countries – $40.00
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Shiva does not prevent, diagnose or treat any medical disorders.