Links to sites with information about Neuromagnetic Stimulation and other related subjects.

(This page was pared down in 2016 to remove obsolete links)

Do you know of an online resource that belongs here? E-MAIL us, and let us know what it is.

Searchable archive of Publications by Dr. M.A. Persinger HERE.
Excerpts and Summary from Dr. Persinger's paper on Transcendental Meditation HERE.



Shakti - Magnetic Brain Stimulation

Deja Vu Darwinian Reincarnation


Consciousness Romantic Love and the Brain

Origins of spirituality in Human Evolution

Sacred Lands "The Sensed Presence"

Glasses For Enhanced Visual Acuity

God in the Brain Spiritual Aptitude Test

Stimulating My BrainAs A Spiritual Path

Inventing Shakti Sex_and States of Consciousness

The Gay Male Brain - Evolutionary Speculations

Visions The Spiritual Personality

Enlightenment And the Brain

Archetypes  A Diet For Epileptics?

Odd Experiences - Online Poll Results

Brain_News Out-Of-Body Experiences

Near-Death Experiences - Thai Case histories

The Big Bang Meditations from Brain Science

Near-Death Experiences in Thailand - Discussion

Credentials The Terrorist Brain

Publications by Dr. M.A. Persinger

Hippocrates on Epilepsy